Coring Overview
Our Coring Division is divided into 5 distinct service lines, catering to all our customers coring needs:
Advanced Coring

Our advanced coring services have evolved – and continue to evolve – because we know that core quality is key to shaping operational plans and investment.
Conventional Coring

Our standard core barrels feature a simplicity of design and precision of machining that have been trademarks of our products for over 50 years.
Wellsite Surface Data Acquisition Services

Core Data acquisition can start as soon as the core is recovered to surface. The Reservoir Group range of solutions allows core data acquisition to begin at the wellsite.
Wellsite Surface Handling & Processing Services

Our full range of solutions and services all the core to be safely and efficiently recovered from the core barrel and removed from the rigfloor.

- Large Size Core Pressure Coring Services
- Saturation Coring Liquid Trapper Services
- Conventional Coring Services
- Wellsite Surface Data Acquisition Services
- Wellsite Surface Handling & Processing Services

Reservoir Group is a world-class niche oilfield services company that has been addressing customer challenges for more than 70 years.
Reservoir Group is a global company headquartered in Houston and has 51 operating locations in 27 countries on six continents