Jiach Energy Solutions is partnered with Auto-Drill Inc, USA to Sale / Rent, Install and Maintain Navigator Digital Performance Automatic Driller (AutoDriller).
Auto-Dril Inc, launched Navigator Digital Performance Automatic driller in 2003.
Navigator Digital Performance Automatic Driller is a multicomponent system that measure three parameters and uses patented technology to automate the control of the drillers brake handle.
It offers machine consistent control of the drilling operation through Multiple custom drilling modes – Weight on bit, Differential Drilling, ROP Drilling & Time Drilling
Simple Installation- Bolts on to existing Draw works in under 8 hours
- Operates independently of any EDR system on the rig
- Touch screen control panel changes drilling parameters without having to stop the drilling operation
- Makes this the most versatile automatic driller in the market in it’s class.
- Offers smooth drilling in both vertical and horizontal wells
- Delivers Improved penetration rates and savings of at least 10% in drilling time
- Offers a virtually instantaneous response to optimise penetration rates
- The Navigator electronic automatic driller was launched in 2003 in New Mexico, initially as a fairly simple weight on bit system as an improvement to the pneumatic systems that were in use prior to then.
- Since then the product has been expanded to include ROP Drill and Time Drill**, Weight with pump pressure, Driller speed percentage and lastly the Differential Pressure Mode.
- It is estimated that the system has now been used on over 13,000 wells to date by over 186 different companies, over the past 9 years in including Chevron, Exxon Mobil, Conoco Phillips, BP, Amoco, Occidental, EnCana, EOG, Chesapeake, Apache. Marathon, Devon, Texaco
- Large drilling companies, Patterson UTI, Nabors, Aztec, Rowan, Key Energy, Greywolf, Latshaw, Union Drilling, Desta, Nomac, JB Hunt, Academy, Big Dog, Cactus, Felderhof
- Major service companies, Weatherford, Pointer Instruments,
- Systems also supplied in Brazil, Colombia, Morocco, Iraq, Turkey, Qatar, UAE and Egypt.

Auto-Dril Inc, USA launched Navigator Digital Performance Automatic Driller in 2003.
For Eastern Hemisphere, Lynx Drilling Tools USA Manufactures Auto Driller under License of Auto-Dril Inc, USA.
For India, Jiach Energy Solutions Private limited is partnered to Sale / Rent, Install and Maintain Navigator Digital Performance Automatic Driller.